Grass mowing in Zadar area

The rain falls, the grass grows. You must have already heard about that saying that gives many people trouble in the spring. We know that you don't have time to mow the grass around the house, on the plot by the sea or somewhere in the olive grove. For this reason, we decided to invest in equipment and are ready to make every spring as carefree as possible, at least as far as greenery is concerned.

We mow the grass and make life easier in the entire Zadar County. Can go to Lika too if necessary.

We are not ecological experts, we do not recognize soil types and we do not design exteriors. What we do well is handle the trimmer, lawnmower and chainsaw.

What does the lawn mowing service consist of?

  • Cost estimate based on pictures or tour
  • Mowing the grass
  • Removal of trees
  • Removal of cut grass (optional)

Considering that the grass is most often cut due to the burning ban, we can take the cut grass and/or larger trees to the landfill if necessary.

The process of ordering the service is very quick and easy. Send us a picture and square footage of the plot. Next comes our offer, your acceptance of it, and after that we get down to business. We mow the grass, take a picture and send it to whatsapp/email to make sure that the grass is gone. Can it be simpler and faster? ?